Legal Advice
The access to the web page of Solar Bright is free and at the will of the users, who are bound by the present conditions regarding the services and contents of said page.
1.- Solar Bright builds up this web page gathering both internal and external information. Thus, Solar Bright can not give any guarantee regarding the exactitude or completeness of the information provided.
2.- Solar Bright shall treat as confidential all the data included in the e-mails sent by the users to the contact address mentioned in this web page. Those data shall not be granted or released to third parties. In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de Diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal), the user is entitled, at any time, to access to the above referred data regarding him or her, and to rectify them, cancel them, or oppose to them, by notifying it to Solar Bright.
3.- Solar Bright shall not be held responsible for the use of the content of this web page which the users might do. The use of the contents of this web page shall be of the sole responsibility of the person using them or having access to the page. Solar Bright shall not be held responsible for the information included in third parties? web pages, even if there is a link between the pages.
4.- Links are included in the web page of Solar Bright on a purely informative purpose, and in no case mean any suggestion, invitation or recommendation regarding them. Solar Bright accepts no liability which might arise out of the exchange of information between users through their web pages. The responsibility for the information released through their web pages relies solely on those who release it.
5.- Solar Bright shall not be held responsible for any possible damage or cost whatsoever which might arise out of interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdown, operational disruptions or disconnections of this electronic system, or for any delay or blockage in the use of this electronic use caused for deficiencies or overloading of telephonic lines or of internet system or of any other electronic systems, as well as for any damage which might be caused by third parties illegitimately intruding the web without the control of Solar Bright. Also, Solar Bright shall not be held responsible for any damage or cost whatsoever which the user might suffer as a consequence of error, defects and / or omissions in the information provided by Solar Bright provided the source of said information is not Solar Bright itself.
6.- Solar Bright can modify the structure and design, as well as modify or suppress any or all the services, contents or conditions of access, of or to the web page unilaterally and without advanced notice whenever Solar Bright deems it convenient.
7.- Intellectual property rights regarding the web page, its graphic design and source codes, belong to Solar Bright. Thus, any reproduction, distribution, public release and transformation of all or part of the web page is forbidden. Also, every and all trade marks, commercial names, brands or distinctive signs whatsoever included in the web page of Solar Bright are protected by law.
8.- Solar Bright declares that the intellectual and industrial property rights regarding products or services of third parties mentioned in the web page of Solar Bright belong to said third parties, and the mention or appearance in the web page of Solar Bright does not imply the existence of any right or responsibility whatsoever of Solar Bright on or regarding them.